Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Letters from Riesling

Hello Friends & Family,

Last week I got to have a very special day called My Birthday.  There was streamers, bubbles, balloons and lots of boxes filled with fun new toys.  I even got to have a delicious treat, I think Mommy said it's a cupcake.  Mommy says now when people ask me how old I am I supposed to hold up my first finger and say "one."  People seem to get pretty excited about this.  I'm not exactly sure what all this means but I hope I get to celebrate My Birthday again soon because it was really awesome.

Now that things have calmed down from all the celebrating I'm settle back into reading a lot of books.  Rainbow Rob is my favorite.  I have also really been enjoying stacking stuff and trying to figure out how little stuff fits inside of bigger stuff.  There are lots of different shapes and sizes which I have to take into consideration.  It's kinda tough but really fun.  Daddy keeps talking about blue, red, & yellow but I haven't really figured that out yet.  I also have a few new things that I want to try outside, like bubbles and a swing.  When does the sun come back?  I'm waiting so patiently for that day.

Love always, 

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