Thursday, November 21, 2013

A Video

 October 27, 2013

**Apparently I only take videos of Riesling when she is eating.  Maybe because that is the only time she is sitting still and not trying to steal the camera.

Monday, November 18, 2013


My hair has finally gotten really long which means I'm ready to cut it off. Always happens. I just don't take the time to care for it. I'm debating though. Do I do it now or wait until after the baby is born and I start shedding like a dog?  I have 2 weeks before my appointment to decide.  eek!

I have recently inherited a lot of seasonal items from my mother's stash. I nw have some nice serving platters and dishes for the holidays. Do you stow it away in the kitchen or pack it away with the rest of your seasonal decor?

I am looking for a new book to read.  After a horrifying journey through Anna Karenina (it's seriously embarrassing how long it took me to finish that one) I have been hesitant to dive into anything else.  I did start Motherless Daughters for about the 4th time in a decade but not sure that I will actually stick through to the end (pregnancy does make me a little more emotional).  Any suggestions on a decent easy read?

I am trying to finish a photo wall on my stairs that I over a year ago?! It has been sifting through photos on the computer and reminiscing.   How did my baby get so big all the sudden?  I love that little girl so much and I can't believe I get to experience the joy of it all over again.  

Riesling hugging the baby(27 week)

Riesling is so excited about babies right now. The anticipation of our new baby must be so hard for her.  She is so loving and caring about the whole situation; kissing and rubbing my belly, talking about the baby all the time, and practicing her big sister skills with her baby doll.  She gets beyond excited to see other babies with friends, around the neighborhood, or even just our in public.  I have a feeling she will want to be overly helpful with some things!  And I know there are a lot of things she just doesn't see coming (like sharing her Mama!).


"When you are content to be simply yourself and don't compare or compete, everybody will respect you." 

~Lao Tzu

Wednesday, November 13, 2013


Just a little parenting/motherhood related reading I've enjoyed lately:

The Passion of Parenting.

A nice post for any mom who had a hard time with breastfeeding and nervous about how it will go with another baby.

You are a Good Mama.  Love this!

The Gift of Not Giving. Would you consider this for your kids/family?

First Year of Parenthood.  I can't wait to do it all over again (wink)


Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Halloween 2013

Halloween was so much fun this year.  Last year we made the best of the situation with Hurricane Sandy but it was kinda a flop.  Riesling didn't have a clue what was going on anyways.  I wasn't sure how much she would "get it" this year but she loved it! 

Riesling and I spent most of the day together at my office.  The patients loved seeing us all dressed up.   We went with a family theme again with Riesling as a little cow and Jim and I dressed up as farmers. 

Thankfully Jim was able to get off work early so he could join in on the festivities.  He makes pretty handsome farmer, don't ya think?
I planned on just hitting a few of the neighbors close by then sitting outside to pass out candy.  Boy was I wrong.  We had to drag Riesling home.  She was so tired but just wanted to keep going to houses. She got the hang of it really quick.  We handed her the little pumpkin bucket and a flashlight and she was off. 
 After the first few houses she had her routine down: grab the treats, ask to come inside the house if a cat or dog was spotted, brief visit, then move on the next house even if your parents are still talking.  She was pretty independent about the whole thing.  She really loved seeing all the other kids out in the streets.  She wanted so bad to go with them but we just couldn't keep up. She would say, "the kids! the kids!" Adorable. 

Jim said it was the best Halloween EVER.  It was really was such a special family night for us.  She is really growing up and turning into more of a kid everyday.  We feel so fortunate to live in such a wonderful neighborhood that is exploding with young kids for Riesling to grow up with.  I can just imagine her running around in years to come with all her little friends. It makes me a little weeping but overjoyed at the same time.