Wednesday, November 26, 2014


I really try to be grateful for this beautiful life every day.  A life filled with love, health, family, shelter. It's a good life.   In fact a pretty great life. Hardship and loss earlier in life always seem to remind me that the little things don't really matter.  All the petty things that can really absorb you, fill you with hate and negativity; most of it isn't worth the energy.  And, although I try to stay focused on the big picture today I thought I'd give thanks for a few of the smaller things (in no particular order)....

*Fresh garden ingredients even at the end of November.  The past few days we made juice with garden beets..greens and all (with apples, carrots, and ginger); stir fry with carrots, radishes, bok choy and cilantro; delicious lunch salads with kale, arugula, spinach, lettuce and tomatoes all from the garden! We also have a pantry stock of butternut squash and sweet potatoes.

*My amazingly husband, who brings us heaping bowls of garden goodies in late November.  The man is seriously dedicated.  He spends late nights and early mornings planning, researching,planting, harvesting, pulling weeds, and squashing bugs by hand so we can enjoy fresh organic fruits and vegetables. 
Kale harvest day back in early September

*A 2 year old that asks for more chia sprinkles, kale in her smoothie, and "totu."  Not only is it so darn cute to hear this little words it also gives me comfort knowing that she is fueling her little body with goodness and nutrients. 

*Coos and babble turning into Mama, Dada, and dog; crawls and cruising soon to be steps all on her own.  My sweet laid back lil babe is growing up and changing so fast. 

*Six years of wedded bliss. Our anniversary was just last weekend.  It is truly a honor to spend everyday with your best friend.

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