Friday, February 6, 2009

I think I can. I think I can.

Ok. So this is my attempt to start blogging again. I would like to start by warning everyone that I'm a bit slow with computers. Actually I think I would qualify as down-right stupid in the category of technology. I have no idea how to put songs on an IPod, I get nervous just thinking about downloading pictures from my new digital camera, and I'm in a fair amount of shock that I've gotten this far in setting up a blog. So here goes nothing....


Kim said...

Yay!!! I'm estatic you have a blog! Consider me your new internet stalker. :)

Mrs. Robinson said...

thanks Kim! I'm still working out the kinks but having fun with it already. you've inspired me!

ps. how do i get the little "profile " pic like yours with the pear?