Thursday, February 27, 2014

Newborn Days

The last few weeks have been quite the whirlwind.  I can't believe little Winnie is almost 3 weeks old.  I also can't believe she's only been a part of the family for less than 3 weeks.  Funny how that works. It's been a hectic, emotional but most certainly joyous journey so far.  There are actually a lot of things that I've been wanting to write about; some life stuff I just want to have documented, a long list of things I feel are important to share with my fellow mamas out there, and tons of cute pictures of Riesling and her new baby sister. 

Yesterday around noon I finally decided to "get myself together" while both girls were miraculously sound asleep at the time.  When I started brushing my teeth with Riesling's toddler size tooth brush and didn't actually realize it right away, It struck me that life as I previously knew it is over.  Blogging has just kinda been pushed to the way bottom of an endless list.  I'll get back to it but probably not for a few more weeks.  Today I'm just happy to be wearing jeans without an elastic waistband and have never loved my Keurig more. 

 The new Robinson Family
 Baby Winnie 5 days old

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