Sorry for my absence. I've just been in no mood to write. I was cutting my first tooth and it just had me in a bit of a funk. I feel kind of bad because my Papa came to visit and I was a little cranky. He didn't seem to mind and knew just what I needed to cheer me up. I think it was nice for my mom to have some extra help too. I'm getting really big and strong and her arms get tired when she has to hold me and rock me extra on the bad days. I wish Papa lived closer so I could see him more, but I will just have to make the most of the time I do get to spend with him.
On a brighter note, I'm discovering all kinds of new things since I learned to crawl. There's a whole world out there that I know nothing about and I'm ready to explore! I love chasing after that Sofee dog and grabbing her soft fur. I also love crawling under my crib and playing hide and seek. Moving around on my own also makes it convenient to get to my toys and all the extra stuff that I like to put in my mouth, like napkins. Man oh man I love napkins.
Love always,