Friday, June 25, 2010

Week in Review

Apparently there is a rat in the office...with suspicion to believe it has been in the woman's employee bathroom.

I've spent over a week with limited access to my kitchen and more dust, grime, ick, & yuck than I ever thought I could survive. Renovating my kitchen while I'm living in there!? What was I thinking?

I'm currently suffering from a severe case of jell-o legs after 45 minutes of squats and lunges.

Due to the sudden and tragic loss of over half a dozen pair, I had to do emergency load of laundry last night b/c I had NO clean underwear.
There's a story behind my shortage of undergarments but I'm not sure you'll look at me the same if I tell it.
Well, now I've got you wondering.
Divulge my secrets or let you come up with your own bizarre explanation?

It's been HOT. late August, mid-west, hazy, humid, oppressively HOT.
And our AC is broken.

On a more positive note....
I ate a turkey BLT yesterday. and LOVED it.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

What happened to your underwear???!!! Why do I have a feeling that SoFe is involved??