Thursday, March 3, 2011

Waiting for comprehension

I'm currently reading The Brothers Karamazov by Fydodor Dostoevsky. I think Jim claims it to be his favorite book, definitely one of his favorite. So, I started it a few months ago but got off to a slow start. My reading time was limited due to work, holidays, and various other excuses and I was having trouble getting into the story. There are a lots of different characters with difficult to pronounce names and all of them also have nicknames, which just adds to the confusion. I stuck with it and now with a bit more time on my hands, I'm finally rolling and anxious to get through it. But, it's a looong one, which has caused me to neglect my miscellaneous reading materials.

My pile includes: the last 2 volumes of Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, you really have to be in the mode to dive into that stuff; the current issue of ACA News, more chiropractic stuff; the latest issue of Whole Living; several articles about herbal therapies given to me by my acupuncturist; and the stack of brochures and bookmarked websites about various models of boiler units and gas conversion.

Sofee dog is getting drowsy just looking at the stack...

Actually she just loves sunbathing. As do I. I just happen to prefer outdoor temperatures over 30 degrees. Which is why we have southbound plans for a Stidd family vacation to help us make it through this last stretch of winter. My goal is to catch up on everything and finish The Brothers Karamazov before vacation, which gives me exactly three weeks. There's just nothing better then mindless, trashy, and/or romantic novels while digging your toes into the sand.

Any recommendations?

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