Wednesday, March 20, 2013


It just feel sooo good to say that word.  Spring is here!  Last year we were enjoying really mild weather with warm temperatures and lots of outdoor time with our sweet lil newborn.


We even had her out in only a onesie on her 1 month birthday. Jim saw these pictures and said, "What kind of parents do that?"  It was seriously so warm last year at this time (and I don't think she was really outside for much longer then it took to take these pictures)

This year it's still pretty darn chilly and we had snow just 2 days ago but I guess I should stay positive and focus on the fact that it is in fact officially SPRING!  Even bundled up a bit, Riesling is loving spending time outside again.  She is so interested in exploring every leaf, stick and speck of dirt.  She will just plop her butt down in the biggest pile of mud in the yard and not even blink.  I think we might have a little tomboy in our future.

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