Saturday, January 18, 2014

Happy Girl

Some may say that I'm a little "crazy" about what I allow Riesling to eat.  It's actually probably more a matter of what I won't let her eat.  I could go on a very long rant about the subject but I will refrain and just say that our little gal has had very limited sweets in her nearly 2 years of existence.  I have given in to a few bits of birthday cake and some ice cream but otherwise we stick with fruit and homemade 'treats' that I make with natural sweeteners.

Today we went our for breakfast and Jim and I decided to let her have the chocolate chip Mickey mouse pancakes.  A little extra special treat since her days as an only child are soon coming to an end.  She was in heaven.  It's funny what a few chocolate chips will do for a girl.  She didn't even need any syrup.  She just gobbled them up plain.

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