Sunday, January 26, 2014

Let's pretend it's Fall again

I am loathing winter at the moment.  I try not to be too negative about the brief (but oh so long!) few months when the cold sweeps in and steals my soul.  But today I am feeling it.  Winter I am over you and your incessant snow fall, frigid temperature with subzero windchill, potholes, ice patches, and lack of sunshine.

I know most are looking longingly toward Spring (not that I am not) which is a logical choice to keep away the winter blues.  But I keep finding myself wishing for Fall.  It's my favorite time of year and I just love spending every possible moment outdoors in the crisp air as I bust out my favorite jeans and watch my summer tan slowly fade.  We had a pretty jammed back Fall last year and I didn't seem to post much about it.  I think after a long summer of pregnancy sickness, I was finally feeling good and just wanted to enjoy the time rather than think about it.  Today I am thinking about it.....
Brunch in NYC

September was action packed with travel including: our annual Labor Day trip to Ohio where Riesling enjoyed my brothers excavation project to the fullest and managed to get dirty than I ever thought possible; a trip to NYC to visit friends complete with Riesling's first taxi ride (with no car seat, eek!); and a quick jaunt to Brooklyn with Riesling in tow for the bridal shower of a dear friend.  We also jammed in a few good hikes, a trip to our enjoy the festivities at our local Snipes frame, and introduced Riesling to her big girl bed. 

October brought a growing baby bump, a trip to the pumpkin patch with Grandma and Grandpa, two weddings, celebrating my 33rd birthday, and enjoying lots of Halloween fun.

November seemed to bring along a bit colder temperatures we busted out the flannel, sweatshirts, and carharts and still enjoyed a lot of fresh air and outdoor activities with a trip to Connecticut to meet the latest addition to the Levin family and lots of fun closing down the garden and playing in the leaves.  Jim and I also celebrated our 5 year wedding anniversary with Riesling at our favorite vegetarian restaurant, The Blue Sage. 
 We actually ended November with a very snowy trip to Ohio for Thanksgiving but I will just try to forget that....

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